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The Latest From Parr Interactive and Pursuitist

Madison, WI - 11/02/1999 -- Parr Interactive, an award-winning Madison web design firm, has launched a new website for Madison's State Capitol Credit Union, a not-for-profit, member-owned financial institution open to anyone who lives or works in Dane County, all State of Wisconsin employees, and their families. The new website for State Capitol Credit Union includes online banking, loan application, rates, branch information and the Kid's Club. Note from 2017: State Capitol Credit Union is now Summit Credit Union, which has...

Oct 1, 1999 -- Madison, WI -- Parr Interactive, an award-winning Madison web design firm, has launched a new online destination for Madison-based Credit Union Executives Society at The dynamic new site for CUES provides networking and educational opportunities for executives within the credit union industry through conferences, publications and correspondence. The new CUES website features articles, members only content, an eshop, membership directory and more resources for credit union professionals. ...

Madison, WI — July 25, 1999 — Christopher Parr’s CPID, an award-winning Madison web design firm, has designed a new interactive website for EPIC Life Insurance . The informative new EPIC Life Insurance site features wellness content, legislative news, information for agents, and EPIC case studies. ...

Madison, WI -- Dec 1, 1998 -- Christopher Parr's CPID, an award-winning Madison web design firm, has launched a new interactive website for WPS Insurance. Wisconsin Physicians Service Insurance Corporation (WPS) is one of the largest health insurers and administrators in Wisconsin, serving over 265,000 customers. The informative new WPS site features wellness content, legislative news, information for agents, and WPS case studies. ...

Madison, WI -- Oct 1, 1998 -- Check out Christopher Parr's (the ADDY award-winning Madison web designer and content creator) online presentation "Nothing But Net" created specifically for the American Advertising Federation of Madison's Education Night. The very first educational interactive course created for AAF Madison features a 10 step guide on "how to create an effective web presence." "When establishing your presence online, keep a focused eye on your corporate image or brand identity. Walking in step with your...

Madison, WI - 8/1/1998 -- Christopher Parr and his team at CPID created the websites for IntraNet and MidPlains, two Madison-based companies. When it come time for a merger between these two telecom giants, the new company reached out to Madison web design firm of Parr Interactive for a rebranding. The new website is the ultimate destination and resource for Chorus Network customers. IntraNet and Mid-Plains have joined forces to become Chorus Internet. "Chorus Networks is now the dominant Internet Service...

Madison, WI – The work of Christopher Parr is featured in two new books available at a bookstore near you. 'HTML Unleashed 4.0' from Macmillan presents CPID's ezine project from 1996, CyberMad, in the chapter "Putting It All Together." In addition, the site is included on the CD-ROM companion to the book. "The chapter 'Putting it all Together: HTML Design' is a comprehensive review of two Web sites (one corporate, the second an ezine) showing real world applications of the principles...

Madison web designer Christopher Parr designed, developed and launched the very first website for Rayovac, the battery-maker from Madison, Wisconsin. Focused on great content from Michael Jordan, Babe Winkleman and Arnold Palmer, Christopher created a site for Rayovac that is informative and fun. ...

Madison, WI – -- The Internet Professional Publishers Association has bestowed top honors upon CPID & Associates for their work on the Monona Terrace web site. One of the most distinguished awards in the Internet industry, other recipients of the IPPA Design Excellence Award for a Commercial Site include Cosmopolitan Online,, National Geographic and Harley-Davidson. In the IPPA's review of the site, the judges stated that "…All in all, the Monona Terrace site is stunning in its revolutionary approach...