Christopher Parr’s Web Design Work Featured In Two New Books
Madison, WI – The work of Christopher Parr is featured in two new books available at a bookstore near you.
‘HTML Unleashed 4.0’ from Macmillan presents CPID’s ezine project from 1996, CyberMad, in the chapter “Putting It All Together.” In addition, the site is included on the CD-ROM companion to the book.
“The chapter ‘Putting it all Together: HTML Design’ is a comprehensive review of two Web sites (one corporate, the second an ezine) showing real world applications of the principles discussed in the previous chapters. After doing a comprehensive search and surfing through numerous ezines, I think Cybermad is an excellent (if not the best) example of state-of-the-art Web page design for an ezine,” HTML Unleashed co-author Michael Larson added.
‘Web Sites That Work’ from Adobe Press, written by Roger Black of Interactive Bureau (the designers of USA Today Online, MSNBC and Discovery Channel Online), also features praise for CPID. Black calls CPID’s work “…Extremely difficult to design, and they rely on an organic structure with numerous happy-ending cul-de-sacs.”
To order the publications online, visit Amazon or Barnes and Noble.